Personal bests are tumbling

This week saw strong running from the GVH crew across multiple distances, Parkruns, 10k’s, half Marathons, 20 mile events and general training runs. Well done to everyone that got out for a run whatever the distance. GVH visit Leavesden country Parkrun en mass  The Leavesden parkrun saw an incredible turnout, marking one of our largest fields ever at that particular …

XC season comes to a close

The return of the Mud  The highlight of this week was undoubtedly Chiltern Cross Country and the final event of the season at Horspath Oxford. A HUGE congratulations Claire McDonnell for her 2nd place after 5 races, in the FV55 Category!  A fantastic result – well done Claire! Mud and more mud! Having been led into a false sense of …

GVH Storm the Watford Half

We’ve finally said goodbye to January, leaving behind the storms, dry January challenges, and the long wait for that first payday of the year! At last the mornings are getting lighter, making those early runs a bit easier. But the strong start to the running year continues with some outstanding runs by all the team at the Watford Half and …

Tales of Endurance

As spring marathon season approaches, many of our runners are ramping up their weekly mileage, and stories of tough long runs begin to fill weekend Strava posts. But none stand out more than Chris Dowling’s incredible challenge this weekend—the Arc of Attrition. Lets save that for later and start with a parkrun round up       With few events …

The 2025 Marathon Season begins.

Priscilla Pathak takes the prize for the completing the first marathon of the spring 2025 season, the TCS Mumbai Marathon! And what a marathon!! The Mumbai Marathon is amongst the top 10 marathons in the world and its been said to have truly put India on the global map of distance running. It starts on the  iconic Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj …

The week when Jack came out to play

This week, “Icy Blast” and his trusty companion “Jack Frost” made their presence known, sending a sharp wake-up call about what winter running is really all about. With temperatures dipping below freezing for much of the week and icy paths sneaking up beneath our feet, it was a reminder of just how challenging and unpredictable the season can be. The …

First races of 2025

Happy New Year and a big warm welcome to all our new members. I hope to feature many of you in this news letter over the next few weeks. Parkrun Round up We have had several members celebrating milestone parkruns in recent weeks. This Saturday it was Kim Morgans turn, celebrating her 100th parkrun at Rickmansworth, where she ran her …

Happy New Year!

Wishing all GVH members, their families, and friends a fantastic New Year filled with health, happiness, and plenty of running adventures! It’s been amazing to see so many of our harriers embracing the festive spirit with some incredible runs over the break. Whether it’s been conquering Parkruns or tackling long-distance challenges to burn off the Christmas treats, the dedication and …

Strong running from our GVH team at XC round 3

Just parkrun and Cross Country to report on this week. Although there has been some great Long Slow Runs being posted at the weekends, as many of us start solid training in preparation  for events next spring.  As this is the last weekly round up for November, be sure to read to the end for ….. Members of the Month! …

The return of the Ricky Road Run

GVH on tour at parkruns. We had 43 runners out tackling park runs this week, many venturing a fair way from home to York, Sewerby (near Scarborough), Rothay (lake district), and Holkham (Norfolk). But the award for the longest distance travelled goes to Helen Heathcote, who went to Amsterdam to run parkrun. That’s dedication Helen! The place to be, if …