Farewell to summer running

Warm weekends and evening trails in the sunshine seem a distance memory this weekend as Storm Ashley blew through. Wet, soggy and challenging – were the words most used on  Strava!  So bad was the predicted weather on Sunday, that the Great South Run even took the rare decision to Cancel the event! Despite this:   Simon Morris and Stephen Newing …

A magnificent week of running by the Gade Valley Harriers. Part 2

In part one we covered our GVH’s on tour at off road events such as park run, cross country and some stunning running in various parts of the Chilterns. But what about our runners who stuck to road races  this weekend? They certainly covered some miles just to get to their events. First stop Cambodia….Phnom Penh 10K Where Darren Burke …

What a magnificent week of running by the Gade Valley Harriers! Part 1

From Parkruns to Cross country, trail runs to big city road races – there has been a surface and a distance for everyone this weekend and some outstanding runs to report on too.  In fact, with so many events to cover about this report will concentrate on the weekends trail runners , leaving part two (coming soon) for our epics …

And it’s Goodbye from Me and Hello from Her

On the weekend of 6th and 7th October a load of people did some park runs, Naomi Carey did her first marathon, a few others may have run some races that I don’t know about, so it looks like the Magic Results Fairy has let me down for one final time. On Saturday it was the 20th anniversary of Parkrun …

A (not member of the) Month in the Life of Tom Langdown

Early on the morning of Saturday 11th May, club legends, married couple and the best source of a cheap pun any bargain basement hack could hope for, Teresa and Chris ventured out again to (this time literally) climb the heights of ultra marathon running. If I don’t type their surname, I won’t find this inescapable urge to include it in …

Busy Post Marathon Ultras, Parkruns and Pednor

As happens every year, there is something of a break in competitive running after the London Marathon. Except I don’t really think that is ever the case. I just think that happens because I can’t move for several weeks and my running shoes gather dust. Apparently though, people do run just after they’ve done a marathon. The last Thursday of …

It’s London, Baby!

Sunday 21st April was the biggest date of the running calendar. According to marathonhandbook.com, the London Marathon is the second biggest marathon in the world by finisher numbers, around 48,000 in 2023, but is the hardest marathon in the World to get into (an estimated half a million people enter the ballot each year). This year 22 Harriers toed the …

Twice the Reasons for the Old Favourite Pun

The marathon season continued on the weekend of 13th & 14th April, with some high quality performances, a handful of Harriers at the Manchester Marathon and a surprise (to me, I’m assuming not to the participants) outing for two Reasons (sorry) in an ultra in Yorkshire. On Saturday 13th April, club legend Teresa Reason and her less well known (at …

Marathon Month Underway

With Easter having come and gone a little earlier than in many years, April was left open this year for the marathon season. The season duly got underway last weekend with a handful of GVH athletes travelling to Paris (lucky them) and a fine solo effort at the Milan Marathon.  Sunday April 7th also saw the Brighton Marathon, but for …

Good Friday for Harriers

I’m not an expert on the origins of Easter but any religious festival with lightly toasted and heavily buttered sweet bakery products from the friday (and on through the long weekend) and various chocolate products from the Sunday, all within a four day weekend, is up there on my list of great religious festivals. Unlike Christmas, there is the added …