The one where : When Storm Darragh did not stop Gadebridge parkrun

Storm Darragh most certainly dampened this  weekend’s running. Offering us a taster of its strength on Thursday, with some truly miserable conditions for Thursdays’ club run and then gathering in strength for the weekend. Parkrun roundup  Darragh stormed through and left most Parkruns in tatters this weekend! By Friday evening many Parkrun were already announcing cancellations . Many of us were …

Strong running from our GVH team at XC round 3

Just parkrun and Cross Country to report on this week. Although there has been some great Long Slow Runs being posted at the weekends, as many of us start solid training in preparation  for events next spring.  As this is the last weekly round up for November, be sure to read to the end for ….. Members of the Month! …

Our Harriers brave Storm Bert

Blisteringly cold, icy, wet or storm force gales? It’s been tough for anyone to get a good run in this week when Mother Nature hasn’t been cooperating. It’s been a case of picking your window of opportunity between the lesser of four evils. Challenging conditions for all, winter has come early and caught us all by surprise! But hopefully keeping …

Gade Valley Harriers on Tour

Not only was it the GVH parkrun tour event this weekend, but we also had several of our runners out at some far flung locations, new parkrun milestones and Anthony Fogden claiming a new 10K PB. GVH Parkrun Tour The on-tour location for November was Church Mead parkrun close to Amersham, designed to test our runners with off-road hills. Looking …

Two GVH warriors take on Wendover Woods 50!

The exploits of Simon Morris and Tom Evans at the super tough Wendover  Woods 50 mile Centurion event rightly take the headlines this week, whilst cross-country with its usual dose of mud and hills looked the most fun. But lets first look at Parkrun Round up With XC taking place the same afternoon, not surprisingly we had just 30 Gade Valley …

A fairy tale in New York

November is here, the clocks have gone back and high Vis is around to stay for while, but despite this there is no less enthusiasm for running from the Gade Valley Harriers.  We had the Herts Half Marathon and 10K at Knebworth,  a trail Half and 10K at Wendover woods and a fairy tale at the New York Marathon But …

The return of the Ricky Road Run

GVH on tour at parkruns. We had 43 runners out tackling park runs this week, many venturing a fair way from home to York, Sewerby (near Scarborough), Rothay (lake district), and Holkham (Norfolk). But the award for the longest distance travelled goes to Helen Heathcote, who went to Amsterdam to run parkrun. That’s dedication Helen! The place to be, if …

Farewell to summer running

Warm weekends and evening trails in the sunshine seem a distance memory this weekend as Storm Ashley blew through. Wet, soggy and challenging – were the words most used on  Strava!  So bad was the predicted weather on Sunday, that the Great South Run even took the rare decision to Cancel the event! Despite this:   Simon Morris and Stephen Newing …

A magnificent week of running by the Gade Valley Harriers. Part 2

In part one we covered our GVH’s on tour at off road events such as park run, cross country and some stunning running in various parts of the Chilterns. But what about our runners who stuck to road races  this weekend? They certainly covered some miles just to get to their events. First stop Cambodia….Phnom Penh 10K Where Darren Burke …

What a magnificent week of running by the Gade Valley Harriers! Part 1

From Parkruns to Cross country, trail runs to big city road races – there has been a surface and a distance for everyone this weekend and some outstanding runs to report on too.  In fact, with so many events to cover about this report will concentrate on the weekends trail runners , leaving part two (coming soon) for our epics …